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Hagyjallogva Vaszka

Quinzaine 1996 | Feature film | 1 h 26

Two guys fly over the roof of St. Petersbourg State Bank : Vaska, the metropolitan robber and Vanka, the notorious country robber. With a tin opener they have found in the nest of a griffin, they open a hole in the roof, descend into the vault, empty all the safes, appropriate the wealth of the people – never before has a robbery of such dimensions happened in St. Petersbourg ! Time : the Soviet era. This folkloristic story comes from Mariana Koziryeva, who heard it from her father, Lev Gordon, writer, poet and literary critic, who heard it when he was on forced labor during the construction of the White Sea Canal. Defying logic, it places huge images and burlesque scenes next to each other, following Gogol’s and Zoschenko ‘s footsteps, that is the best heritage of Russian literature. Attacking deformed reality and symbols as well as ignoring the rules of keeping to the period, the film makes you laugh and moved at the same time. The plot is set in the Soviet era, but it could happen any time.

Artistic & technical sheet

Jevgenyij Szigyihin
Makszim Szergejev
Szergej Ruszkin
Valja Kaszjanova

Peter GotharLazlo Bratkad’après “Vaska Nemeshaev” de Mariana Koziryeva

Francisco Gozon

Robert Juhasz

Bea Eszlary, Zoctan Uida, Eszter Majoros

György Orban, György Selmeczi

Set decoration
Sergey Kokovkin

PRODUCTION : Magic Media Rona 4-274, 1145 Budapest, Hongrie Tél. : (36-1) 252 3101 Fax : (36-1) 163 3479 Télévision Hongroise Studio of Young Artists VENTE A L’ETRANGER : Média Luna / 47éme Paralléle 7, rue du Moulinet, 75013 Paris Tél. : 01 45 81 09 98 Fax : 01 45 89 64 14


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