General Inquiry

For all screenings of the Festival and parallel sections (Directors' Fortnight, Critics' Week, ACID, and Cannes Cinéma), all screenings of the day will be available for reservation four days in advance.

The ticket release time depends on your accreditation: 7 am for professionals and 9 am for non-professionals. The timing of the release of new tickets is not in any way linked to favoring a certain type of accredited person for access to seats. Reservation is suspended between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. /9 a.m.

New tickets may be available at any time between 4 days and 20 minutes before the start of the screening.

When you obtain a ticket, it is instantly visible in your ticketing account. The QR code of the ticket, mandatory for access to the screening room, is generated for security purposes the day before the screening, and the PDF of the ticket is sent to you at the same time to the unique email address provided at the time of your registration or accreditation request.

For a same-day screening, the QR code of the ticket is instantly visible. A few minutes later, you will receive the PDF of the ticket by email, which will also be downloadable from your account under 'My Tickets'.

We advise you to regularly monitor your account and/or your emails. Make sure that is declared in your contacts as a trusted address to avoid being marked as spam.

The online ticketing site will be closed for reservations every night between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. (or 9 a.m.) This allows for maintenance of the site and the availability of new tickets. During this time, you will still have access to your already reserved tickets. Therefore, you can still present your ticket to access a morning screening, and you can also cancel the ticket(s) of your choice.

Professional public

On your first login: log in with the email provided during the accreditation request and the temporary password you will find in the confirmation email. On your first login, you will be asked to personalize this password.

If you don't know the email provided, please contact the person in charge of your accreditation request.

If you encounter any issues during, you can get in touch with the festival's teams. Make sure to contact the correct section:

You can reset your password at any time by clicking on "Forgot my password".

If you have successfully logged into your ticketing account for the first time and wish to change your primary contact email, you have the option to go to the 'My Info' page and click on 'Change my primary contact email'. Here are the details you will be asked for to make this change: your name, your first name, the email you wish to change, the new email you want to use, and the reason for the change.

Finally, to add a contact email, also go to the 'My Info' page. You can then request to add a secondary correspondence email for all ticketing-related messages, including the receipt of your tickets.

If you encounter any other difficulties, we encourage you to get in touch with the ticketing teams who are ready to assist you, starting from Monday, May 6th. Depending on your accreditation, make sure to contact the correct section:

No, you must choose between the two sessions.

If you are accredited press, feel free to contact for more information.

No, it's not possible to request the same film twice.

If you are accredited press, feel free to contact for more information."

Attention: For non-accredited public, canceling a ticket does not result in a refund of credit. For information specific to you, please visit the non-accredited public section.

To cancel a ticket, you can go to:

The homepage > 'My next screening' > Trash icon

Or the 'My tickets' page > 'My next screening' > Trash icon

Or the page of the film screening you have reserved > 'Cancel my ticket' button or 'My ticket' button > Trash icon. This screening page is accessible from two places: from the 'My tickets' page or from the Booking page.

Cancellation can be done up to 1 hour before the screening, for all screenings of the Festival and parallel sections (Directors' Fortnight, Critics' Week, ACID, and Cannes Cinéma).

Please note that canceling your ticket will make it available again on the online ticketing site, giving other accredited individuals the opportunity to make a reservation.

If you do not cancel and after 2 unattended tickets, your access to booking new tickets may be suspended for 24 hours. For more details, see 'What are the rules applied in case of no-show?'.

If you are accredited press, feel free to contact for more information.

You have received several confirmation emails with separate login information. Regardless of the codes you use to activate your account, both of your accreditations will be taken into account.

Tickets will be available to you according to the accreditation that offers you the best conditions. Your access conditions therefore change automatically depending on the issuing section of the screening.

If you have more than one accreditation and there has been an issue with the merging of your accreditations, you can send an email to specifying your name, surname, email, and date of birth.

With your Cannes Film Festival or Marché du Film accreditation, you can book tickets for all parallel sections (Directors' Fortnight, Critics' Week, Cannes Cinéma, ACID) through the ticketing website.

If you are accredited, it will be impossible for you to create a paying account. You must log in with the credentials that were sent to you by email upon confirmation of your accreditation.

However, the individuals accompanying you can visit the ticketing counter or create an account by following the steps specified in this section: How to buy and reserve tickets online for screenings at the Directors' Fortnight?"

Non-accredited and non-professional public

Since its inception, the Directors' Fortnight has made a point of welcoming the general public: a ticket counter is open every day at the corner of Rue Amouretti and Rue Lépine, from 8:15 am to 7 pm. It sells a limited number of tickets for all Directors' Fortnight screenings, including ceremonies.

Please note, the ticket counter operates under the same system as the general ticketing. To learn more, visit: When can I book a ticket for a screening? So make sure to arrive early, as seats tend to sell out quickly!

Since the digitalization of the reservation service, you can also purchase your Directors' Fortnight tickets online.

To purchase and reserve seats for screenings at the Directors' Fortnight, we invite you to follow the steps below:

  • From May 6th, you can create a "Public" account using the following link:
  • Once the account is created, visit the Cannes Film Festival booking interface at: By logging in with your credentials, you can purchase credits in the "Directors' Fortnight Credit Purchase" section: for each credit purchased, you can reserve one ticket.
  • From May 10th, visit the "Reservation" section of the website With the credits you have purchased, you can reserve up to two seats per screening. If your chosen screening is sold out, don't worry! Seats will become available again closer to the screening time.

For more information on how your ticketing account works, please refer to: MY TICKETING ACCOUNT.

Attention: a credit is not a ticket. Only a ticket with a QR code will grant you access to the screening. 

For more information on screenings and how they operate, please see: SCREENINGS.

Yes, a ticket counter is open from Monday, May 13th to Friday, May 24th, from 8:15 am to 7 pm, at the corner of Rue Amouretti and Rue du Médecin Lieutenant Bertrand Lépine.

Your login ID is the email you provided during registration.

If you don't remember your password, you can click on "forgot my password". An email will be sent to you so that you can create a new password.

If the problem persists, you can reach us at the following address: 

The obtained tickets are cancellable but neither exchangeable or refundable.

They are not nominative. In case of last-minute hindrance, feel free to offer them to someone.

Seats are regularly made available again up to 20 minutes before the screening. If a screening is sold out, there is a high chance that seats will be made available online as the screening approaches. We therefore advise you to check regularly.

If you are unable to reserve for the film you initially wanted to see, take the opportunity to be surprised by booking for another film.

The purchase of credits does not guarantee a reservation, and credits are non-refundable.

Tickets are not nominative. In case of last-minute hindrance, feel free to offer them to someone in your circle.

No, access to the queues is reserved for accreditation holders only. Access to the theaters in these lines is only granted upon presentation of the badge."

If you can only book one seat for a screening, please make sure you are logged into a paying account, as only these accounts allow for booking more than one seat. Also, check that you haven’t already booked a seat for this screening.

If the issue persists, please send an email to specifying your name, surname, email, and the screening in question (film, day, time, venue).

Please do not contact us immediately; sometimes it may take up to an hour for the credits to show. If the problem persists, please write to: with your details (name, surname, phone number, and email address) and a detailed description of your issue.

Please attach the payment confirmation if a payment has been made.

A credit is not a ticket. You have to first purchase credits and then reserve tickets. If a virtual ticket does not appear on your account, you have not reserved a ticket.

All steps, from purchase to reservation, are detailed in this section: How to buy and reserve tickets online for screenings at the Directors' Fortnight?

If you have followed all these steps and have not received your ticket / the ticket does not appear on your account, please do not contact us immediately. It may take up to an hour for your purchases or reservations to appear.

If the problem persists, please feel free to contact us at the following address: 

Yes, you need to have a ticket to access each screening of the Festival and the parallel sections (Directors' Fortnight, Critics' Week, ACID, and Cannes Cinéma). Therefore, you need to make a prior online reservation via 'My Ticketing Account'.

Press accreditation holders also need to reserve tickets for all the screenings they wish to attend.

We remind you that we regularly release seats for screenings. We encourage you to frequently check screenings that may have been fully booked: there's a good chance that tickets will be released, especially at the ticketing opening time or approaching the screening time.

However, if you have not been able to obtain tickets for a screening at the Théâtre Croisette and you are accredited, you can still try to access the last-minute entrance, with your badge. If there are seats available in the auditorium, you can attend the screening upon presentation of your accreditation.

Screenings at the Théâtre Croisette and Arcades are accessible to people with reduced mobility. If you are in a wheelchair and accredited for the Directors' Fortnight, please make sure to contact us upon arrival at the following address:

If you are in a wheelchair and not accredited for the Directors' Fortnight, please make sure to contact us after obtaining your tickets at the following address:

Screenings at the Olympia Cinema are not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

There is no specific dress requirement for the Directors' Fortnight screenings, regardless of the type of session.

The time you should arrive for your screening will be indicated on your ticket. Beyond this time, your seat is no longer guaranteed.

Once the screening has started, access to the theatre will no longer be possible.

Queue placement now follows your assigned seating in the auditorium. Line up according to your seating area (Orchestra or Balcony), regardless of whether it is marked 'Free Seating' or if a reserved seat in a row has been allocated to you.

Screenings at the Théâtre Croisette all have French and English subtitles. At the Olympia and Arcades, French-speaking films are subtitled in English. All other films are subtitled in French.

Screenings organized as part of Cannes Cinéphiles (La Licorne, Studio 13, Raimu, and Alexandre III) present films in their original version with French subtitles. French films are presented without subtitles.

Unfortunately, the Directors' Fortnight screenings are not equipped with audio description, nor are there accessibility devices for the hearing impaired.


If you do not attend a screening for which you have a ticket, you are considered a 'no-show.'

Tickets can be canceled up to 1 hour before the screening, and remain cancelable during the overnight suspension of reservations. However, please do so as soon as possible to allow others to attend the screening.

Here are the rules that will be applied in case of no-show:

On your first no-show, you will receive a warning by email.

On your second no-show, you will receive an email the following morning informing you that your access to online reservations has been disabled for 24 hours.

Please note that even if your reservation access is blocked, you can still access your online ticketing account and any tickets you have already reserved.

We have chosen to implement these rules because every year, despite strong demand, cinema seats remain unoccupied.

For any questions or complaints, please feel free to send an email specifying your name, the screening(s) for which you received one or more no-show email(s), and the reason for the complaint. Address the appropriate service, depending on the origin of your accreditation and the screening concerned:

If you are press accredited, feel free to contact for more information.

If you are not accredited, no refund applies.

If you wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to contact the ticketing teams. However, please make sure to address the appropriate service, depending on the origin of your accreditation and the screening concerned.

For the Cannes Film Festival: starting from Monday, May 6th, via email at or for press accreditation holders at From May 14th onwards, you can also visit the Ticketing Reception and Assistance office from 9 am to 6 pm in the Mediterranean Hall.

For the Directors' Fortnight: 

For the Critics' Week: 

For ACID: 

The first and last name of the person to whom the ticket was assigned is indicated on each ticket. However, if you wish, you can transfer your ticket to another person.

We remind you that tickets cannot be sold, under penalty of prosecution.

In the context of the Vigipirate security plan in force in France, all entrances are carefully monitored. We kindly ask you to comply with these measures aimed at everyone's safety, to consider possibly longer delays during your movements, and to take into account the following recommendations.

In the screening rooms, the following items are prohibited: messy food and potential projectiles (cans, thermos, motorcycle helmets, etc.). Any person violating these rules will be denied access to the screening or will have the prohibited item confiscated permanently.

Any use of a ticket that has been altered, tampered with, or duplicated will be considered fraud.

It will lead to closure of personal online ticketing, and cancellation of already obtained tickets. Furthermore, they will no longer be eligible to register for future editions of the Cannes Film Festival.

Additionally, we remind you that tickets cannot be sold, under penalty of prosecution.

In case of a conflictual situation at the event venue, you can seek assistance from a member of our team nearby. Our team is available to listen to you at the main reception, Amouretti Street, or by email at