Une pure coïncidence

Quinzaine 2002 | Feature film | 1h32

“That day, an illegal immigrant got in touch with us to tell us about an extortion operation being run by smugglers. He showed us a foreign exchange office in Paris in charge of receiving the funds taken from illegal immigrants. I immediately brought it up with Pascale Ferran and Tonie Marshall, two director friends; we see one another pretty regularly, ever since “L’Appel à désobeir” in 1997. What should we do ? Film, they said ! I got in touch with Nicolas, Olive and Alain – we’ve known each other since 1966. We’re all old leftists with the same education, the same itinerary. Coyotte and Baptiste joined us and the entire band began to film. That’s how, between the locations scouting and the discussions, we filmed just about everything we could. Up until the moment when we decided to go into action against this human trafficking agency. As it turned out, our objective wasn’t simple, it was more like a bank run by gangsters, not to mention the presence of police. But don’t worry, this operation took place a long time ago, when no one was paying in euros yet. Now the statute of limitations protects the entire crew. What’s more, any resemblance to real events is purely coincidental. “ Romain Goupil.

Artistic & technical sheet

Alain Cyroulnik
avec la participation amicale de : Julia Charpentier
Christian Portal
Jean-Baptiste Poirot
Nicolas Minkowski
Olivier Martin
Pascale Ferran
Romain Goupil
Sanda Charpentier
Tonie Marshall

Romain Goupil

Sophie Chiabaut

Nicole Lubtchansky

Production :
Margaret Menegoz
Les Films du Losange
22 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
75116 Paris, France
tél : 33 (0)1 44 43 87 15
fax : 33 (0)1 49 52 06 40 

Ventes à l’étranger :
Les Films du Losange 

Distribution :
Les Films du Losange  

Presse :
Eva Simonet
tél : 33 (0)1 44 29 25 98
fax : 33 (0)1 44 29 25 99
portable : 33 (0)6 62 41 06 16