Quelque chose de vieux, quelque chose de neuf, quelque chose d'emprunté
Algo viejo, algo nuevo, algo prestado
In a working-class suburb of Buenos Aires, the Felpetos – the Sopranos next door – run a well-established underground betting business. Following the father's death, the family business has become matriarchal. Hernán Rosselli’s real-life childhood neighbour, Maribel, entrusted the filmmaker with her old family videos and agreed, alongside her family, to become a bookmaker in his filmic universe. Game theory and the shape of the network are interwoven with both individual memories and a country’s history.
Artistic & technical sheet
Maribel Felpeto (Maribel), Alejandra Cánepa (Alejandra), Hugo Felpeto (Hugo), Leandro Menendez (Leandro), Juliana Inae Risso (Juliana), Marcelo Barbosa (El Mago) Javier Abril Rotger (Facundo)
Hernán Rosselli
Nahuel Palenque, Martin Gabriel Scaglia, Lautaro Zamaro, Javier Fernandez Jensen
Johann Sebastian Bach
36 Caballos (Argentine)
Juan Segundo Alamos
+54 9 221 618 2353
MPM Premium
+33 9 54 37 21 98
Joaquin Neira
Hugo Felpeto
Hernán Rosselli,
Federico Rotstein,
Jimena Garcia Molt
Micaela Lauro,
Santino Mondini Rivas
Gloria Zerbinati
+33 7 86 80 02 82