Inspired by true events, our story follows two young Tibetan boys, Palden and Nyima, assimilating into the life of a Tibetan monastery-in-exile, nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Himalayas. Having been secretly sent by their family to receive a traditional Tibetan Buddhist education, unfettered by Chinese intrusion, they arrive to receive their ordination and orientation into monastic life. Once ordination formalities are completed, the boys are thrown into a whirlwind of unexpected events not usually associated with the austere atmosphere of a traditional Tibetan monastery the Soccer World Cup is on, and football fever is running hot, much to the distress of Geko, the monastery’s disciplinarian. The boys’ passion to see the final of the World Cup and the discipline of monastic life is eventually satisfied by bringing the satellite broadcast right into the monastery. In the end, assisted by the warm caring of Geko for the boys, peace returns in the monastery.
Artistic & technical sheet
Jamyang Lodro
Neten Chokling
Orgyen Tobgyal
Khyentse Norbu
Paul Warren
Bronwyn Murphy
John Scott
Douglas Mills
Set decoration
Raymond Steiner
production : Malcolm Watson, Raymond Steiner, Coffee Stain Productions, 285 Galston Road, Galston NSW 2159, Australie, Tél. & Fax : (61 2) 9653 1762 vente à létranger : Hanway Films c/o Recorded Picture Company, 24 Hanway street, Londres W1P 9DD, Grande-Bretagne, Tél. : (44 171) 636 22 51, Fax : (44 171) 636 22 61