Peppermint Candy

Quinzaine 2000 | Feature film | 2h09

It is spring, by a riverbank, underneath a railroad bridge. At a 20th year reunion of factory workers, the long-lost Yongho appears, disturbing their party. His friends stand by confounded as he, despite the approaching train, climbs onto the railroad bridge, and cries out: « I am going back ! » Time runs forward to the past, as if we’re riding a train of time travel. Days earlier, Yongho loses his home and family, and spends his last few bills on a gun. A strange man appears at Yongho’s makeshift home and takes him to the deathbed of his first love, where peppermint candy provides one last magic moment. The train continues to transport us back in time to reveal the secret of the peppermint candy, and of Yongho’s buried past entwined with an intractable Korean history: torturer, soldier, factory worker. A young man at the crossroads of love. A man with blood on his hands. And, finally, we arrive 20 years earlier to the most innocent moment in a man’s life.

Artistic & technical sheet

Kim Yeo-Jin
Moon So-Ri
Sol Kyung-Gu

Lee Chang-Dong

Kim Hyung-Gu

Lee Seung-Chul

Kim Hyun

Lee Jae-Jin

Set decoration
Park Il-Hyun

Production :
Myung Kaynam
East Film
1501 Seoul Visual Venture Center
1340-6 Seocho-2dong
Seocho-gu, Séoul, Corée du Sud
tél : (82 2) 3415 1111
fax : (82 2) 3415 1100 


Vente à l'étranger :
Sukcheon Bldg. B1
10-38 Yang Jae-Dong
Seocho-gu, Séoul 137-130, Corée du Sud
tél : (82 2) 577 6694
fax : (82 2) 578 6693

Presse :
Richard Lormand
tél./fax : 33 (0)1 48 04 51 73