Os Herdeiros

Quinzaine 1970 | Feature film

Plot Outline:
An allegory about Brazil’s history and the struggle for power since the 1930 Revolution until the advent of the TV.
From 1930 to 1969, « Os Herdeiros » follows the lives of the fictional characters (Jorge Ramos (Sérgio Cardoso), Dr Almeida (Mário Lagos) etc.), all of them visibly inspired in names of the Brazilian politic history, such as Roberto Marinho, Carlos Lacerda and others, showing glances of the Brazilian political events in the last century.
The story begins in 1930, with the « Revolução de 1930 » (« Revolta Tenentista ») and the end of the coffee oligarchy and the government of president Washington Luis. Getulio Vargas assumes the Provisional Government of Brazil. There are ellipses, showing relevant facts in the national politic: (a) 1940, with Getulio Vargas still in the presidency. (b) 1945, with the fall of Getúlio Vargas. (c) 1949, with President General Eurico Gaspar Dutra. (d) 1954, with the suicide of Getúlio Vargas. (e) 1960, with the construction of the capital Brasília.
This movie associates also the songs with the events. Unfortunately, the story is very hermetic, confused, dated and boring, with many references of the Brazilian movement « Cinema Novo » (« New Cinema »). This film is important to students of cinema, but I did not like it. My vote is four.

Artistic & technical sheet

Grande Otelo
Jean Pierre Léaud
Mario Lago
Odette Lara
Paulo Porto
Sergio Cardoso

Carlos Diegues

Prod. Jarbas Barbosa
Rua Senador Dantes 117
s. 1023
Rio de Janeiro