O Abismo prateado
Violeta, 40 years old, dentist, married, a teenage son, is ready start another ordinary day, between her office and her new apartment in Copacabana. A phone message will take her to a journey in the streets of Rio till sunrise.
Artistic & technical sheet
Alessandra Negrini
Carla Ribas
Gabi Pereira
Otto Jr.
Thiago Martins
Beatriz Bracher, Karim Aïnouz, d'après l'oeuvre "Olhos nos Olhos" de Chico Buarque
Mauro Pinheiro Jr.
Leandro Lima, Waldir Xavier, Ricardo Cutz
Isabela Monteiro De Castro
Tejo Damasceno, Rica Amabis, Dustan Gallas
Set decoration
Marcos Pedroso
RT Features
R. Bahia, 1006 – Higienopolis?
01244-000 Sao Paulo – Brésil?
Tél / Fax : +55 11 3889 0103
ventes à l’étranger / world sales
Rendez-vous Pictures
2 rue de la Durance
75012 Paris - France
Tél : + 33 9 50 70 78 30
Fax : + 33 1 40 19 07 73
Presse internationale / International Press
Phil Symes
Cell : +33 (0)6 22 11 95 25
Ronaldo Mourao
Cell: + 33 (0)6 24 66 88 22
Tel: + 55 21 3344 4272
Email: festival@theprcontact.com