Mota shel shula

Quinzaine 2007 | Short film | 0h25

The film depicts the day where Yosi (73), the father of the Korman family, redeems the family dog Shula from agonized dying of numerous diseases by putting her to sleep. Yosi decides to take Shula’s inanimate body with him and bury it in the sands, nearby home. The participants in the film (the director himself, and the members of his family) play themselves in a cinematic story based on true event.

Artistic & technical sheet

Asaf Korman
Josef Carmon
Liron Ben-shlush
Michal Korman
Tamar Eshel-Korman

Asaf Korman

Adam Zaslavsky

Jonathan Rosenbaum

Asaf Korman

Set decoration
Dana Ivgy

Production : Minshar For Art - School and Center David Chachmi st. 18 Tel Aviv, 67778 Israël Tel: +972 3 6887090 Fax: +972 3 5373643