
Quinzaine 1970 | Feature film | 1h 48

The story begins with Macunaima’s miraculous birth to an old woman in a tiny jungle settlement. Born full grown, he discovers his life’s purpose which leads him and his family/followers on a journey to the Big City. On the way, more miracles occur, but Macunaima still has the heart and mind of a child. In the Big City, he is co-opted by terrorists who enlist him in their revolutionary schemes. In the Big City he learns that nuts are not always food and other hilarious lessons of life

Artistic & technical sheet

Dina Sfat
Grande Otelo
Jardel Filho
Milton Gonçalves
Paulo José
Rodolfo Arena

Joaquim Pedro de Andrade d'après l'oeuvre de Mário de Andrade

Guido Cosulich

Juarez Dagoberto Costa

Eduardo Escorel

Production design
Anisio Medeiros

Exportation/Distribution internationale :
Carlotta Films, France

Production :
Condor Film, Suisse
Grupo Novo De Cinema E TV, Brésil