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Le Silence de la forêt

Quinzaine 2003 | Feature film | 1H33mn

Appointed inspector of schools in Bangui after doing his studies in France, Gonaba suddenly decides to give it all up to go live deep in the equatorial forest, the home of the Babinga pygmies. His idea is to help them win their freedom from the « big men » and their intolerable racism, 40 years after the country’s independence. After a long ordeal, an immutable truth: happiness is the most relative thing in the world.

Artistic & technical sheet

Eric Ebouaney
les pygmés Akas
Nadège Beausson Diagne
Philippe Maury
Sonia Zembourou
Zacka Zombou

Bassek ba Kobhio, Didier Ouénangaré et Marcel BeaulieuAdapté de : du roman de Etienne Goyemidé

Pierre-Olivier Larrieu

Yvan Dacquet, Olivier Laurent et Julien Cloquet

Joseph Licide

Manu Dibango

Set decoration
Heather Cameron

Production : Bassek ba Kobhio Les Films Terre Africaine B.P. 11 371 Yaoundé Cameroun Tél: +237 21 4941 Fax: +237 21 4942 Coproductions : Centre National du Cinéma (Gabon), Écrans Noirs (Centrafrique) Presse France : Dany de Seille 103 rue du Château 92600 Asnières (France) Tél: + 33 (0)1 40 86 18 35 Fax : + 33 (0)1 47 90 50 92 Mob : + 33 (0)6 08 91 57 14


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