Those who see the light of day in the camp do not realize that it is a camp really. For this is their world. My generation felt quite happy about being born in the socialist camp. I remember hw during my childhood my heart nearly stopped beating at the though that I might have been living in Italy for example. Weren’t we watching what was going on «ther» in their néo-realistic films? We took pride in belonging to the soc-camp. We couldn’t care less, for the term was borrowed from the military and its combination with «concentration» was ominous. Dachau, Auschwitz, Matthausen were not our camps… but the day came when we heard about our Gulag Archipelago… Countless documents and photographs try hard to restore the truth of that period. But there is no document ever to strike horror, shame… fear. Like fear to be in love. There is no document ever to certify the Spirit. Only Art can. I hope that «the camp» is a small testimony of the kind a testimony of the torments of the soul. Gueorgui Dyulguerov.
Artistic & technical sheet
Dessislava Karoushkova
Radena Vulkanova
Samuel Fintsi
Gueorgui Danailov, Gueorgui Dyulguerov
Radoslav Spassov
Margarita Marinova
Nikolina Momchilova, Hristina Mileva
Bozhidar Pektov
Set decoration
Boriana Semerdjieva
Production : Cinématographie Bulgare à Sofia Vente à l'étranger : Bulgariafilm à Sofia