La Muerte De Sebastian Arache Y Su Pobre Entierro
« La Muerte de Sebastian Arache » is not a direct film. Its apparent symbolism is based on this idea and although its context is allusive, I had no intention to generalize about a situation of domination and submission. I allowed myself liberties in the narration, in order to find an original way of expression. I do not mean a personal style, though this, without being a deliberate purpose, is implicit in almost every movie. I sought a particular style of expression, a style that would be culturally valid and would lead to ideological questions concerning a given country and defined by a precise reality. As a theme, « La Muerte de Sebastian Arache » is an allegory heavy with fatality. That is all I can say about a film which should not have taken so much time to make, with a lot of hesitations and yet with always the same intention : that movies be the discovery of things and events. Nicolas SARQUIS
Artistic & technical sheet
Augusto Kretschmar
Héctor Posadas
Luisa Vehil
Raùl Del Valle
Haroldo Conti, Luis Priamo, Nicolàs Sarquis
Jorge Ruiz, Andrès Silvart
Enrique Muzio, Vicente Castagno
José Luis Castineira de Dios