
Quinzaine 1996 | Feature film | 2 h 03

In the late 19th century England, many looked towards the great seats of learning, such as Christminster, as an escape from rural poverty and boredom. Not least among these is Jude Fawley, an intelligent but unworldly young man who dreams of emulating his childhood hero, the schoolmaster Phillotson. Jude studies singlemindely in the hope of gaining a place at the University. But his studies are interrupted when Jude blindly falls for the beguiling Arabella Dunn, the daughter of a local pig farmer. They have nothing in common but Jude is easily seduced. Soon after, she convinces him that she is pregnant with his child and forces him into marriage… The marriage fails and Jude moves to Christminster to continue his studies. There he meets and falls in love with his cousin Sue Bridehead, a beautiful and urbane young woman, whose intelligence and wit captivate him. But cruelly it is Jude himself who creates the major obstacle to their future hapiness…

Artistic & technical sheet

Christopher Eccleston
June Whitfield
Kate Winslet
Liam Cunningham
Rachal Griffiths

Hossein Amini d'’après le roman de Thomas Hardy, “Jude l’obscur”

Eduardo Serra

Martin Trevis

Trevor Waite

Set decoration
Joseph Benett, Andrew Rothschild

PRODUCTION : Revolution Films 43, Lock Road, Ham, Richmond, Surrey TW107LQ Tél. : (44-181) 287 1355 Fax : (44-181) 287 1355 Polygram BBC Films VENTE A L’ETRANGER : Polygram Film Distribution 107, boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris Tél. : 01 44 15 66 66 Fax : 01 47 64 36 38