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High Art

Quinzaine 1998 | Feature film

« The unexpected encounters that impact and change the anticipated course of our lives. » At 24, Syd has landed what seems to be a dream job at the prestigious photography magazine “Frame”, but dessant, vit aujourd’hui avec Greta, une actrice allemande droguée, et joue l’hôtesse pour une ribambelle d’amis aussi paumés les uns que les autres… « Les rencontres inattendues qui marquent et bouleversent le cours prévisible de nos vies. » « The unexpected encounters that impact and change the anticipated course of our lives. » At 24, Syd has landed what seems to be a dream job at the prestigious photography magazine “Frame”, but deshat impact and change the anticipated course of our lives. » At 24, Syd has landed what seems to be a dream job at the prestigious photography magazine “Frame”, but despite a recent promotion and the long hours she works, she’s still stuck fetching coffee. Living with her l

Artistic & technical sheet

Ally Sheedy
Anh Duong
Bill Sage
David Thornton
Gabriel Mann
Patricia Clarkson
Radha Mitchell
Tammy Grimes

Lisa Cholodenko

Tami Reiker

Tom Efinger

Amy E. Duddleston

Set decoration
Caryn Marcus

Production : High Art Pictures, 200 Varick St., Suite 501, New York, NY 10014, États-Unis, Tél. : (1 212) 843 0840 Fax : (1 212) 843 0844 Vente à l’étranger : Behaviour Distribution, 2221 Yonge Street, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario M4S 2B4, Canada, Tél. : (1 416) 480 04 53, Fax : (1 416) 480 05 01


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