Film sur Hans Bellmeer

Quinzaine 1974 | Short film | 35 mn

I’m very keen of the title « Film about Hans Bellmeer » instead of « Hans Bellmeer ». This film, as any other film, is a voyeuristic initiative (of mine) watching other voyeurs (the museum visitors) that are watching the work of a peeping Tom (Bellmeer) – the whole thing actually seen by voyeurs (the movie audience that took the place of the visitors). It’s not an art film, it’s a watermark testimony about the life and destiny of two people that I love : Unica Zürn and Hans Bellmeer. Catherine Binet

Artistic & technical sheet

Catherine Binet, Hans Bellmeer

Renan Pollés, Jean-Noël Delamarre

Production : LES FILMS VERTS