Fehér tenyér

Quinzaine 2006 | Feature film | 1h41

Miklos Dongo is an Olympic gymnast whose career was ended by an injury. He comes to Canada to begin a new life as a coach. Miklos is assigned to train one of Canada’s most gifted young hopefuls. But the young man is vain and volatile and Miklos has difficulty establishing a rapport with him. Miklos comes to understand that if he is to establish a working relationship with the young man, he must overcome his own fears and confront his past, in which he suffered under the brutal training regimen of a diabolical coach.

Artistic & technical sheet

Gheorghe Dinica
Orion Radies
Silas Radies
Zoltán Miklós Hajdu

Szabolcs Hajdu

András Nagy

Gábor Balázs

Péter Politzer

Peace Orchestra, Galt MacDermot, Ferenc Darvas

Set decoration
Mónika Esztán

Production : Katapult Film 21-23 Frankel Leo ut H-1023 Budapest Hongrie Tél : +36 1 438 0894 Fax : +36 1 787 3558 office@katapultfilm.hu Film Partners (Hongrie) ventes à l’étranger / foreign sales : Onoma Production 4, rue de Miromesnil 75008 Paris France Tél : +33 (0)1 58 18 34 90 Fax : +33 (0)1 45 25 99 70 onoma@onomainternational.com Presse / Publicist: Vanessa Jerrom Mob.: +33 (0)6 14 83 88 82 vanessajerrom@wandoo.fr Presse Internationale / International Publicist: Pamela Goldwyn-Austen Mob. : +33 (0)6 18 61 86 27 pamela@premierpr.net