Erin Ereinté

Quinzaine 1969 | Short film


Jean-Paul Aubert

Jean-Paul Aubert, born in Marseille in 1943.
Lecturer at the University of Paris 8 until 2010, cinema department.
Has lived in the Middle East, China, Ireland and England.

- Une Femme de 30 ans, fiction film in 16mm B/W, double tape, 20 mins. Shot in England, 1964.

- Erin Ereinté, fiction film in 35 mm, B/W , 30 mins. Shot in Ireland with Milo O'Shea, Barbara Jefford, 1967.Broadcast: Hors-Champ (Paolo Branco), Ciné-club Jean Vigo, 2nd channel TV.
- Dear Dirty Dublin, English version of the previous film, produced by the National Film Finance Corporation (London), distributed by Contemporary Films (London).
- France, mères des arts, des armes et des lois, 35 mm B/W fiction film, 45 mins. Shot in Kuwait, 1972.
Broadcast by Hors-Champ, Ciné-club Jean Vigo.
This film and Erin Ereinté were selected for the Cannes Festival, Directors' Fortnight, and Perspectives of French Cinema.
- Le cinéma à l'Université, documentary film in 16 mm, 5 mins, made for Pierre Bouteiller's programme, France Inter, broadcast on 17 January 1976).
- Un drôle de clown-robot dans un drôle de cirque, documentary film in 16 mm, B/W, 80 mins, made for the Maison de la Culture de Nanterre, 1980.
- A country that dies is a country that is killed. 16mm documentary film, B/W, 70 mins, shot in the Cévennes, 1980.
- I'm Dutch, I have money and I'm interested in your country. Documentary film in 16 mm, B/W, 70 mins, shot in the Cévennes, 19

- Le Carnaval des législatives, 16mm documentary film, 70 mins, 1978-1980.
- Ling Zi Feng, portrait inachevé, documentary on the Chinese film-maker Ling Zi Feng, 1998.

Artistic & technical sheet