Cuba Feliz

Quinzaine 2000 | Feature film | 1h30

This is the story of a man who has a dream. His name is Gallo. He’s a street singer but he pursues his dream across Cuba. Here he is at the source of musical legends: salsa stars, rappers from the poor quarters, extravagant old-time orchestras, bolero singers, jamming jazzmen, mystical drummers, village merrymakers. On the road, in trains, backyards and bustling streets, music blends with his errant life as Gallo translates these magical moments into songs he knows by heart. In his Cuban wanderings, the singer meets a musical people who welcome him as a brother and play with him. His only luggage is his guitar case. He, the peon, opens himself up and metamorphoses as he comes into contact with others. Gallo discovers laughter in music, dance and improvisation, the emotion of trumpets and the simple choruses hummed among friends. But reality calls the solitary singer to order. Gallo travels around Cuba but, when the dream is over, he finds himself back at the starting point, with his cigarette in his mouth…. The freighters, like rusty dreams, come and go in the port of Havana.

Artistic & technical sheet

Alejandro Almenares
Anibal Avila
Armandito Machado
Candido Fabre
Carlo Boromeo Planchez dit
Cesar Nabas dit
et musique :
Eulises Sanchez
Gilberto Mendez
Los Cubanos Jubilados
Mario Sanchez Martinez dit
Miguel del Morales dit
Mirta Gonzales
Paisan Mallet
Pepin Vaillant
Zaïda Reyte

Pascal LetellierKarim Dridi

Karim Dridi

Michel Brethez

Lise Beaulieu

Production :
Alain Rozanes
Pascal Verroust
Jacques Debs
ADR Productions
2 rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris, France
tél : 33 (0)1 43 14 34 34
fax : 33 (0)1 43 14 34 30 

 Le Studio Canal +
El Movimiento nacional de video de Cuba 

Vente à l'étranger :
Le Studio Canal +
47 rue Dumont d'’Urville
75016 Paris, France
tél : 33 (0)1 44 43 98 39
fax : 33 (0)1 47 20 29 58 

Distribution :
5 rue Richepanse
75008 Paris, France
tél : 33 (0)1 42 96 01 01
fax : 33 (0)1 40 20 02 21 

Presse :
Sandrine Lamantowicz
tél : 33 (0)1 43 48 53 34
fax : 33 (0)1 43 48 56 98