
Quinzaine 2011 | Feature film | 1h30

In a forest, near a border, a young Bengali and a European soldier attempt to get the better of one another. In Calcutta, Rahul, an architect who had gone off to build a career in Dubai, begins a huge construction site. He is reunited with his girlfriend, Paoli, who has long awaited his homecoming, living alone far from her family. Both set out to find Rahul’s brother, who is said to have gone mad and who lives in the forest and sleeps in thee trees.
Vimukthi Jayasundara returns to Cannes with a contemporary, politically engaged film. The tone is clearly presented in the first few scenes, in the film that takes the shape of a kind of hallucinatory journey. A border that is guarded by a single soldier. An architecte who hurls himself from the top of his concrete tower. Absurdity is a part of life, with or without mushrooms.
Benjami Mirguet, sélection commitee

Artistic & technical sheet

Paoli Dam
Sudip Mukherjee
Sumeet Thakur
Tómas Lemarquis

Vimukthi Jayasundara

Channa Deshapriya

Dana Farzanehpour, Franck Desmoulins, Roman Dymny

Julie Béziau

Roman Dymny

Set decoration
Arup Ghosh


Vandana Trading Company
40/3, Strand Road, 2nd Floor
700001 Kolkata – Inde
Tél : +91 33 2210 5536
Fax : +91 33 2243 3852


Les Films de l'étranger (France)
Wallpaper Productions (France)
Bear Called Dog (France)


Ventes internationales / World Sales

Eastwest Filmdistribution GmbH
Schottenfeldgasse 14
1070 Vienne - Autriche
Tél : +43 1 524 93 10 34
Fax : +43 1 524 93 10 20

Presse / press

Viviana Andriani?
25 fbg Saint Honoré 75008 Paris
Tél / Fax : +33 1 42 66 36 35
Cell : +33 6 80 16 81 39

Album Chatrak

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