Au-delà des sables

Quinzaine 1974 | Feature film | 1h45

When you’re sitting in a moving train, you can see places, people, sceneries : you’re moving in space and that’s a kind of discovery. In this film, I wanted to move in time, with the hero as a witness. Through his eyes, we can see the strange world that surrounds him. It was an unstructured, wild world, shattered by passions, eager for a freedom maybe too anarchical, without a lot of understanding of history, deceived by illusions and myths that almost always led to a tragic dead end. I wanted to draw a subjective chronic – and if sometimes scenes get too poetic and unreal, that’s because of my love for a visually inventive cinema, translating what we have in mind, reflecting the reality as it is lived and felt. Through this poetic trend of cinema, I tried to describe a fall, the fall of a world which has to comply to history’s needs, the fall of an individual who remains closed up and out of history, burdened by his own tragedies. Time escapes him. That’s all. Radu Gabrea

Artistic & technical sheet

Dan Nutu
Georges Constantin
Gina Patrichi
Violeta Andrei

Fanush Neagu

Dinu Tanase

Production : ROMANIAFILM