As mil e uma noites – Volume 1, o inquieto

Quinzaine 2015 | Feature film | 2h05

In which Scheherazade tells of the restlessness that befell the country: “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in a sad country where people dream of mermaids and whales, unemployment spreads. Forests burn into the night despite the falling rain ; men and women long to set out to sea in the middle of Winter. Sometimes there are animals that talk although it is highly improbable that they are listened to. In this country, where things are not what they appear to be, men of power promenade on camels and hide permanent and shameful erections; they await the moment when taxes are collected so they can pay a wizard whom…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.

Artistic & technical sheet

Adriano Luz
Américo Silva
Carloto Cotta
Crista Alfaiate

Miguel Gomes, Mariana Ricardo, Telmo Churro

Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, Mário Castanheira

Vasco Pimentel

Telmo Churro, Pedro Filipe Marques, Miguel Gomes

Set decoration
Bruno Duarte, Artur Pinheiro

Production :
O Som e a Fúria
Av. Almirante Reis, 113 – 5º, Esc. 505
1150 014 Lisbonne - Portugal
T : +351 213 582 518

Coproduction :
Shellac Sud (France)
Komplizen Film (Germany)
Box Productions (Switzerland)
Agat Films (France)

Distribution :
Shellac Sud
T : +33 4 95 04 95 92

Ventes / Foreign sales :
The Match Factory
Balthasarstrasse 79-81
50670 Cologne - Allemagne
T : +49 221 539 709 0

Presse nationale / National press :
Makna Presse
Chloé Lorenzi
Tél : +33 1 42 77 00 16
Cell : +33 6 08 16 60 26

Presse internationale / International press :
Wolfgang W. Werner Public Relations
Christiane Leithardt
Cell +49 175 588 80 86
Wolfgang Werner
Cell +49 170 333 93 53