Anguely V Rayou

Quinzaine 1993 | Feature film | 2 h 04

Leningrad, 1975… the “stagnation” era at its peak. Teenagers Micha and Galia, both 16, are forced to split, simply because they have tried to live differently in the slums of Leningrad, and more simply in their own country. This is the story of a whole generation who was sacrified – like Max at the beginning of the film – supposedly by accident. Some have become alcoholics by weakness or misfortune, others are simply outcasts. And others, as our hero, like butterflies, will be slaughtered in Afghanistan. Wherever you are, you must know how to fly to steal the future from angels. through the portrayal of a generation born in the Sixties, this film wishes to answer a sole question: for how long will our history continue to repeat itself ? Evgueni Longuine

Artistic & technical sheet

Aliona Svintsova
Andrei Toloubeev
Dinara Droukarova
Konstantin Gaiokho
Olga Volkova
Vladimir Kabaline

Evgueni Lounguine, librement inspiré de la nouvelle “Deux cahiers” de Piotr Kojevnikov

Valeri Myoulgaout

Edouard Vanounts

Irina Gorokhovskaia

Andrei Makarevitch

Set decoration
Boris Petrouchanski, Serguei Kokovkine

Production : Ognon Pictures, Paris, France Vente à l'étranger : UGC International