Afternoon Of War

Quinzaine 1980 | Feature film | 1h37

« Afternoon of War » is a film based upon a Dylan Thomas short story called « The Mouse and the Woman ». It is a loose adaptation, set against a background of sexual war, industrial war and physical war.
Fundamentally, it is a welsh film financed in Wales, and filmed entirely on location in Wales.
I had tried unsuccessfully for eight years to make the film. Now, having completed it, I hope it explores successfully the poetry of social realism and the reality of Dylan Thomas’ mystical writing.
O fhimself, Thomas wrote : « I was born in an ugly industrial town… », a statement too often forgotten by those who only feel the silence of the sea.
In the context of civil unrest today in Wales, I hope this period film has a contemporary meaning. Were John Ford alive, I would have enjoyed discussing « Afternoon of War » with him.

Artistic & technical sheet

Alan Devlin
Dafydd Hywell
Karen Archer
Patricia Napier

Vincent Kane, Karl Francis

Nick Gifford

Neil Thomson

Alun Francis

Production : ALVICAR FILMS, Caerphilly, South Wales UK