A mort la mort !
Thomas is 47 years old. He runs from the hospital to the cemetery, comforting some friends and burying others. Death is powerful adversary with a wicked imagination, wreaking havoc on his generation. Thomas’friends are dying of aids, drug overdoses and suicide. Though Thomas thinks life has dealt some cruel blows, he believes it remains a source of delightful pleasure. Thomas happily lies and deceives not only himself, but everybody else around him, earning the complicity of his wife, women in general, children, his children, friends and comrades, his mistresses and his ex-mistresses. Nostalgia is not his thing. Commemorations are a ridiculous farce. Friendship is the only thing that is durable. And so he fights back, using his radical though absurd warrior’s cry : Down with death ! Can he still change the world ? Now more than ever !
Artistic & technical sheet
Anne Alvaro
Brigitte Catillon
Brigitte Roüan
Christine Murillo
Dominique Frot
Marianne Denicourt
Nozha Khouadra
Romain Goupil
Romain Goupil
William Lubtchansky
Sophie Chiabaut
Isabelle Devinck
Areski Belkacem
production : Margaret Menegoz, Les Films du Losange, 22 av. Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75116 Paris, France, Tél. : 33 (0)1 44 43 87 15, Fax : 33 (0)1 49 52 06 40 France 3 Cinéma - Le Studio Canal + - CNC (Paris, France) vente à létranger : Le Studio Canal +, 17 rue Dumont dUrville, 75116 Paris, France, Tél. : 33 (0)1 44 43 98 00, Fax : 33 (0)1 47 20 29 58 distribution : Les Films du Losange