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BÓDY’s films were made in a country and at a time when in Hungary as well as in the other countries under communist domination, all cinema matters were subjected to a strict control by party officials. Cinema was considered an art for the masses which should exercise a political influence and therefore was put under severe regulations; so that experimental or subversive films had almost no chance to be made at all. Short and experimental films, later also full length feature films could be made in an atmosphere of relative liberty in The “Studio Bela Balazs”. It was a meeting place for the most gifted authors and directors of Hungarian cinema. BÓDY Gábor joined the studio as early as 1971, in 1973 he established, inside the studio, the “experimental film group K3” as a platform for true experiments. In the 80s, a widespread interest for BÓDY Gábor’s work arose, following the repercussions around his second feature film “Narcissus and Psyche” (80) which spread particularly in the movement of independent and avant-garde cinema. But also through his many other activities, his lectures, video works, installations and tours BÓDY Gábor became a universal source of inspiration and ideas among filmmakers and film lovers.He was just 39 years old when he died in 1985.


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