Y aura t’il de la neige à Noël ?

Quinzaine 1996 | Feature film | 1 h 30

…Maternal love considered as one of the fine arts… The story starts on a summer night in a shed full of straw. Children are playing… It’s in the countryside, in the south of France. A family situation which is difficult to understand but taken for granted and accepted, in which the different parts: father, lover, boss, workers, mother, children, are mixed; in which Work, Love, Obscenity come close and exclude one another… Until the red truck arrives, the father seems not to exist and not to be missed even… But his presence changes everything. In this chaos, the mother is the center for everyone. She makes things less cruel and manages to protect her children’s universe through her love and the complicity they have together. Summertime, in the South… as if the sun had something to do with hope. Would there be snow for Chrismas ?

Artistic & technical sheet

Alexandre Roger
Daniel Duval
Fanny Rochetin
Flavie Chimenes
Guillaume Mathonnet
Jeremy Chaix
Jessica Martinez
Xavier Colonna

Hélène Louvart

Didier Saïn

Nelly Quettier

Set decoration
Jacques Dubus

PRODUCTION : Ognon Pictures 18, rue Montmartre, 75001 Paris Tél. : 01 40 26 56 08 Fax : 01 40 26 02 09 VENTE A L’ETRANGER : Ognon Pictures