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Taxi de nuit

Quinzaine 1997 | Short film | 9 m 35

New York, 1930. Because he ventured out one evening on 42nd street and met Slacks, a taxi driver is sentenced to death. Slacks is not an ordinary woman. She gets her kicks by finding victims in the dark and running them over in the taxi. Her fate will be tragic since she is killed in a car accident as she was driving the cab that night. The driver will survive. Now he is in prison. He tells us what happened…

Artistic & technical sheet

Marco Castilla d’après Boris Vian

Stéphane Mauger

Christophe Etrillard

Erwan Thomas

frédérique Sans

PRODUCTION : Garone 4, square Léon Blum, 92800 Puteaux Tél. : 01 34 69 97 96 Fax : 01 34 69 88 69


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