Sisters In Law
Kumba, a small town in southwest Cameroon. Six-year-old Manka has fled her house an cruel aunt. Sonita courageously accuses her neighbor of rape. Amina decides to end her marriage with a brutal man by taking him to court. The film follows two women, the Counselor of State and the Presiding Judge, in their daily work: to bring aid to these women determined to put an end to their harsh lives.
Florence Ayisi
Florence Ayisi sudied producing and directing at the NSFTV in Leeds, where she produced two short films before co-directed a documentary about a dancer choreographer. She has just completed au short film, My Mother :Isange, to mark the International Women’s Day March 8th 2005. She teaches pratice-based research at the International Film School Wales.
Kim Longinotto
Kim Longinotto studied camera and directing at the National Film School. While she was there, she made Pride of Place, a critical look at her boarding school. After the NFS she worked as camera on a variety of documentaries. She directed numerous documentaries in countries like Japan, Iran and Kenya.
Artistic & technical sheet
Kim Longinotto
Mary Milton
Ollie Huddleston
Production : Vixen Films 26 Balfour Road Londres N5 2HE Royaume-uni tél : +44 0207 359 7368 fax : +44 0207 359 7368 presse : Freud Communications Kate Lee tél : +44 207 291 6349 mob : +44 777 160 0070 à Cannes mob : +33(0)6 74 15 45 77