Oh, Uomo

Quinzaine 2004 | Feature film | 1h10

After Prigionieri della guerra and Su tutte le vette è pace, this film concludes Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s trilogy on the first world war. From the emblem of totalitarianism to individual physical suffering, the directors use this representation of man’s rampaging violence to draw up an anatomical inventory of the damaged body and examine the consequences of the conflict on children, from 1919 to 1921. From the deconstruction to the artificial reconstruction of the human body, they try to understand how humanity can forget itself and perpetuate these horrors.

Artistic & technical sheet

Yervant Gianikian, Angela Ricci Lucchi

images d'archives

Musique originale et voix : Giovanna Marini - Percussions : Luis Agudo

Production : Museo Storico in Trento via Torre d’Augusto, 41 38100 Trento Italie tél : +39 0461 23 0482 fax : +39 0461 23 7418 info@museostorico.tn.it www.museostorico.it Museo della guerra de Rovereto (Italie) Province autonome de Trento (Italie) Commune de Rovereto (Italie) Fondation Opera Campana dei Caduti de Rovereto (Italie)