A man and a woman live together in present-day Tokyo, where many couples are carving out lifestyles outside traditional family roles. When the man’s son by a previous marriage arrives unexpectedly to stay a month with the couple, a kind of mock family life begins. M/other was made without a script. After detailed discussions, the cast and crew worked like a group of jazz musicians, improvising under the filmmaker’s direction.
Artistic & technical sheet
Makiko Watanabe
Ryudai Takahashi
Tomokazu Miura
Nobuhiro Suwa, Tomokazu Miura, Makiko Watanabe
Masami Inomoto
Nobuyuki Kikuchi
Shuichi Kakesu
Haruyuki Suzuki
Set decoration
China Hayashi
production : Takenori Sento, Wowow & Bandai Visual, 1-5-8 Motoakasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8080, Japon, Tél. : (81 3) 5414 8175, Fax : (81 3) 5414 8182 En association avec Bitters End & Suncent CinemaWorks Vente à l’étranger : Fortissimo Film Sales, Herenmarkt 10-2, 1013 ED Amsterdam, Pays Bas, Tél. : (31 20) 627 3215, Fax : (31 20) 626 1155, email : ffsales@globalxs.nl