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Los Testigos

Quinzaine 1971 | Feature film | 1h15'

This stark Chilean melodrama concerns itself with the plight of slum dwellers living outside Santiago. For many years they have, with great difficulty, been faithfully paying small sums to a real estate man. This man has said that by doing so they can obtain title to the miniscule plots of land their houses stand on. In fact, he has been swindling them and does not even own the land he has been « selling. » One of the aggrieved slum dwellers confronts him about this while he is visiting the slum, and the real estate agent shoots him before everyone’s eyes. The question confronting these witnesses is whether testifying against this monster will make their lives even more precarious.

Artistic & technical sheet

Jaime Vadell
Leonardo Perrucci
Marcello Gaete
Mireya Kulcsewski
Nelson Villagra

Guillermo Saez Pardo et Charles Elsesser

Hector Rios

Prod : Juan Lloret Luis Thayer Ojeda 059, Deopto 43 Santiago - Chili


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