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Les anges

Quinzaine 1985 | Feature film | 1h25

It is inconceivable to think a film today in Tunisia, or anywhere in North Africa, without bringing up the subject of the youth torn between, on one hand, ambition and its early deceptions and, on the other hand, idealism coupled with an enraged juvenile cynicism. To evoke these two points I have chosen a woman as the main character, because women with their awarness and their clearheadedness, have in them change and hope in today’s Arab society. Ridha Behi

Artistic & technical sheet

Kamel Chenaoui
Lamine Nahdi
leila Fawzi
Madiha Kamel
Mohsen B. Abdallah
Naji Najeh

Ridha Behi

Tonino Nardi

Kehena Attia

Mongi Ben Lamine

Production : Jugurtha Films, Satpec, RTT, Tunisie Difaf, Koweit


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