La Fée
Dom works the night shift in a small hotel near the industrial sea port of Le Havre. One night, a woman arrives with no luggage and no shoes. Her name is Fiona. She tells Dom she is a fairy and grants him three wishes. Fiona makes two wishes come true then mysteriously disappears. Dom, who by then has fallen in love with Fiona, searches for her everywhere…
Bruno Romy
Dominique Abel is from Belgium. He was born in the Belgian town of Thuin. Fiona Gordon, Canadian, was born in Australia.Between 1980 and 1982, they both studied theater in Paris with Jacques Lecoq, Monika Pagneux and Philippe Gaulier.In the eighties they created four visual comedies for theatre which they’ve been touring non-stop ever since, playing in over twenty countries.In 1989 they moved into an old pram factory in Brussels where they live and work now. During the 1990s, they took their first steps in filmaking.Bruno Romy is French. He was born in Normandy and lives in Caen today.He worked as a math teacher, supermarket manager, clown and theater stage manager before deciding to make films.
Dominique Abel
Dominique Abel is from Belgium. He was born in the Belgian town of Thuin. Fiona Gordon, Canadian, was born in Australia.Between 1980 and 1982, they both studied theater in Paris with Jacques Lecoq, Monika Pagneux and Philippe Gaulier.In the eighties they created four visual comedies for theatre which they’ve been touring non-stop ever since, playing in over twenty countries.In 1989 they moved into an old pram factory in Brussels where they live and work now. During the 1990s, they took their first steps in filmaking.Bruno Romy is French. He was born in Normandy and lives in Caen today.He worked as a math teacher, supermarket manager, clown and theater stage manager before deciding to make films.
Fiona Gordon
Dominique Abel is from Belgium. He was born in the Belgian town of Thuin. Fiona Gordon, Canadian, was born in Australia.Between 1980 and 1982, they both studied theater in Paris with Jacques Lecoq, Monika Pagneux and Philippe Gaulier.In the eighties they created four visual comedies for theatre which they’ve been touring non-stop ever since, playing in over twenty countries.In 1989 they moved into an old pram factory in Brussels where they live and work now. During the 1990s, they took their first steps in filmaking.Bruno Romy is French. He was born in Normandy and lives in Caen today.He worked as a math teacher, supermarket manager, clown and theater stage manager before deciding to make films.
Artistic & technical sheet
Bruno Romy
Dominique Abel
Fiona Gordon
Philippe Martz
Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy
Claire Childeric, Jean-Christophe Leforestier
Fred Meert
Sandrine Deegen
Set decoration
Nicolas Girault
Courage mon amour
9 rue Ruysdael
B-1070 Bruxelles – Belgique
Tél : +32 2 527 03 91
MK2 SA (France)
France 3 Cinéma (France)
Ventes à l'étranger / World sales
55 rue Traversière
75012 Paris – France
Tél : +33 1 44 67 30 00
Fax : +33 1 43 44 20 18
Distribution / French distribution
Presse française / French press
Monica Donati
Tél : +33 1 43 07 55 22?
Fax : +33 1 43 07 17 97?
Cell : +33 6 23 85 06 18
Presse internationale / International press
Vanessa Jerrom
Tél: +33 6 14 83 88 82
Claire Vorger
Tél: +33 6 20 10 40 56