You are here : Home > editions > 1976 > La Batalla De Chile : El Golpe De Estado

La Batalla De Chile : El Golpe De Estado

Quinzaine 1976 | Feature film | 1h30

What happened in Chile in 1973 was decisive not only for the Chilean’s people history, but but also for the history of a large part of the world.
On eptembre 11, 1973 the Popular government is overthrown. President Allende’s body riddled with bullets symbolizes the death of the democratic and liberal system, the definitive destruction of the State system that was in place in Chile since the XIXth century.
Patricio GUZMAN

Artistic & technical sheet

Jorge Müller

Pedro Chaskel

Production : EQUIPO TERCER ANO avec la collaboration de CHRIS MARKER et de l'ICAIC (Instituto Cubano des Arte e Industria Cinematograficos)


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