Jeunesse sans Dieu
Germany in the thirties, after the nazis came to power. A young high school teacher, Pabst, has to deal with an increasing racism and intolerance among his pupils. They exclude him from their world. During a military training in a summer camp, one of his pupils is murdered. At the following trial, Pabst’s statement brings disgrace on him and costs him his job as a teacher.
Artistic & technical sheet
Catherine Hiegel
Jacques Bataille
Josse de Pauw
Marc Barbé
Martin Amic
Nathalie Richard
Roland Amstutz
Samuel Dupuy
Alain Le Henrydaprès le roman Jugend ohne Gott de Odon von Horvath
Agnès Godard
Ricardo Castro
Yann Dedet
Ghedalia Tazartes
Set decoration
Laurent Allaire
PRODUCTION : Ellipse Programme 15, square Vergennes, 75015 Paris Tél. : 01 45 31 00 01 Fax : 01 45 33 00 09 La Sept/Arte Elzevir Films VENTE A LETRANGER : Canal + Distribution 6, bd de la République, 92514 Boulogne Cedex Tél. : 01 46 10 12 00 Fax : 01 46 10 12 20