Blue Bird

Quinzaine 2011 | Feature film | 1h26

Blue Bird is a story about how one day in a child’s life can change its world. One morning, Bafiokadié and his sister Téné, two African children, leave their village. The only thing on their mind is to find their lost blue bird before the day is over. But they will find much more along their way: they encounter their deceased grand-parents, they fight the soul of the forest and learn from the Chief of Pleasure. Everyone tells them a story about life and death. At the end of their long journey, the brother and sister enter the Kingdom of the Future and meet some yet-to-be born children. Delighted with this discovery, they eventually return home. For as we lose something we gain something.
« After « Baby Jesus of Flanders », Gust Van Den Berghe returns to the Director’s Fortnight with « Blue Bird », filmed in blue monochrome. He remains faithful to his whimsical and offbeat style in this coming-of-age story. An African tale shot in Togo, among the Tamberma people. »
Marzena Moskal, selection commitee

Artistic & technical sheet

Bafiokadié Potey
Dodji N'Dah
N'Tcha Emmanuel Sansamou
Nanty Libéria Bani
Téné Potey

Gust Van den Berghe

Hans Bruch Jr.

Matthias Hillegeer

David Verdurme

Michelino Bisceglia


Minds Meet
Kerkeveldstraat 103
1020 Laken – Bruxelles - Belgique
Tél : +32 476 46 00 15

Ventes à l'étranger / World sales

Coproduction Office
24 rue Lamartine
75009 Paris – France
Tél : 33 1 56 02 60 00
Fax : +33 1 56 02 60 01

Presse / Press

Claire Brunel
 T : +33 6 73 35 30 04